Sunday, April 1, 2007

are these actual miles?

Raymond Carver, Are These Actual Miles?
Page. 586

“Food was one of the big items. They gorged on food. He figures thousands on luxury items alone. Toni would go to the grocery store and put in everything she saw.”

This quote reveals how Toni and Leo thought they could live life. When they first started out. They had plenty of money. When they started spending money on everything they wanted though, the money started disappearing. Toni wanted to get everything for the kids that she could not have when she was a child. They want to have the normal things that people have life fancy washers and dryers. This lifestyle though drained their money. Before they knew it, they were knee deep in debt.

Raymond Carver, Are These Actual Miles?
Page. 586

“He pours Scotch, adds water, carries the drink to the living room. He sits on the couch but finds his shoulders so stiff they wont let him lean back. He stares at the screen and sips, and soon he goes for another drink.”

This quote shows how similar this story is to the other stories that we have read. Leo uses alcohol to deal with his problems. He trying to live a normal life, but things are not going right for him. Because of this, Leo drinks. It has shown to be a popular way for people to deal with their problems.

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