Tuesday, April 17, 2007

dbums 5

Dbums 5

Kerouac p. 96

“Pain love or danger makes you real again, ain’t that right Ray like when you were on that ledge?”

This quote shows how Ray felt when he was on the mountain. It made him feel alive again. All the people down in suburbia who just sit around and watch TV all day get to really feel alive like Ray does. They do not experience real danger, since everything is “perfect” for them.

Kerouac p. 102

“I’ve got no use for the kulak with his barn and pasture . . . he just sets up a prison for himself, once in, he cant get out, think it over, it might happen to you.”

This quote of Han Shan’s poem is telling exactly how it is in life today. Al of the people in suburbia have built prisons for themselves. They have created a lifestyle that they cannot not escape from. Japhy and Ray on the other hand are more like Han Shan. They do not build prisons for themselves. They live freely, and go and do what they please. Although it would seem that a person with a house and car and family would be more happy, this is not so, since they are actually imprisoned in this life.

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