Friday, April 13, 2007

dbums 3

Dbums 3

Kerouac p.50

“The cheese was sharp Cheddar. But it didn’t satisfy me much and when we go out into country with no houses and anything I began to yearn for a good old hot breakfast…”

This quote puzzled me. Did Jack not travel around as a bum for many years? Was he not living off almost knighting, and riding around on trains? Why did he crave this hot breakfast if he believes that life was not about material things? I thought that he would be used to not having much to eat, and what little he had not being very good.

Kerouac p. 52

“’That’s what I like, hitchhiking around, feeling free, imagine though being an Indian and doing all that’”

This quote also puzzled me. Why would it many difference if you were an Indian bum or not? It seems that the life of a bum would not be any different what race you were, yet Japhy speaks of it as if it were a great hardship. He of all people I would think would not notice the hobo for being an Indian, and make such a big deal out of it

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